
On this page you find the most recent editions of some Germany Radar files. The files are available for free. Normally, they will be available until the second next AIRAC Cycle. Therefore, Patches for AIRAC Cycle 02/2008 will be available until the end of AIRAC Cycle 03/2008. Date and AIRAC refer to the date, the file was uploaded and to which AIRAC Cycle it relates to. Make sure that you only download files, which have a equal or higher AIRAC Cycle than your own Germany Radar installation.

Right-Klick the File and select "Save Link as ..." to download the patch. Save the file in the directory stated below.


Date / AIRAC



Germany FIR

Germany FIR AIRAC 09 / 2017

 Germany FIR Update

Update Germany FIR AIRAC 09 / 2017

for owners of earlier versions

CHM-Sector Manual

AIRAC 05 / 2010

PDF-Sector Manual

AIRAC 05 / 2010

Germany Radar Patch

Patch onto GR_ATC.exe Ver