Pictures of selected sectors

On this page you can see some screenshots of Germany Radar. Click on one of the thumbs to open the corresponding screenshot. The Pictures have the format 1280x1024. Click on the picture in the popup-window to show its original size.

Sectors of approach control

Munich Director

Sector DMAT


Frankfurt Approach

Sector DFAPP

Berlin Approach South

Sector DBAS


Duesseldorf Approach

Sector DLA

Lower airspace sectors

Sector Allersberg - ALB

Sector Spessart - PSA

Sector Hersfeld - HEF

Sector Paderborn - PADH

Sector Thueringen - TRGH

Sector Warburg - WRB

Upper airspace sectors

Sector Frankfurt - FFM

Sector Saale - SALH

Sector Donau - DONU

Sector Ruhr - RHR

Sector Havel - HVL

Sector Isar - ISA